Saturday, September 24, 2011

So, I've been doing this puzzle fundraiser. And not doing a good job of it. And I feel bad because while I'm focusing on the bead necklace fundraiser, I'm not focusing on the puzzle fundraiser that my friend, Megan, so generously set up for me.

504 pieces to sell. 6 pieces sold to date.

Obviously, I'm behind. And because of that, I've also not raised any funds for the trip. I'm glad to volunteer and serve along side FOVC. But, it's not like we have all the money in the world to fly to Africa every four months. I'm going to be real and honest here. Even with some donations towards our last trip (which helped a ton), it still costs money. And while I really wanted to go home to CA to see family and friends, we couldn't do both and so I chose Ethiopia. And with this recent trip, I chose Ethiopia again. And then recently, with some medical issues with both grandma's, I knew I needed to get home. So, I thought I could better justify the expense of going if I could share about FOVC while there. And it all costs money. And I'm so thankful that I have a husband who wonderfully supports our family. But it costs more than we make. About $2500 for this next Ethiopia trip. And if you average it out, it's a little over $500/month in expenses for the last two trips. Which I would consider expensive.

All of that mumbling to let you know that I really, really could use your help. Would you buy some puzzle pieces? I believe strongly in the work that FOVC is doing and have chosen to fundraise to keep children alive. But if I'm going to go and offer long term hope through the crops program, then I also have to fundraise a little for my own expenses. If you'd like to make a donation, I'd humbly accept.

hating to ask,
tamara b

1 comment:

  1. I have been meaning to do this since I saw the original post. I'll have my check in the mail tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
