Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Year Ago

One year ago today we left for Ethiopia with 2 suitcases of donations, 2 suitcases of our stuff, a binder full of adoption information and a few pictures in my hot hands.

The first picture was of Shonda's family since we were meeting up with them prior to a stop in Amsterdam and I wanted to be able to find them in the airport. They sat right behind us on our flight from Detroit to Amsterdam. So fun to get to know them over this past year.

The second, third and fourth photos were of Chrissy's kids. I didn't really know Chrissy but was drawn to her story of fighting for her kids and had been praying for them for months. I was carrying their picture around so that I could maybe see them at the care center in Addis and love on them for Paul and Chrissy. Boy did I ever see them. I think it was the middle one that attached herself to me upstairs when we were helping Judah finish his lunch. And it was Jamey who pointed out it was one of Chrissy's kids. Way to go Jamey. It was so good to pick her up, hug her, tell her that her momma was coming soon and pray over her. Well done.

One year ago was just the start of the journey. We had a few days of holiday in Amsterdam before going on to Ethiopia. But it was one year ago that we said goodbye to our oldest two as we headed off to get our youngest. Wow, how things have changed in that year!

1 comment:

  1. Super sweet to know my babies were personally prayed over months before we even met them! <3
