Monday, April 12, 2010


In our small group bible study, we start our evenings with a hi/low.  I wanted to share with you my hi-low emotional rollercoaster for today and ask for prayer.
Low: Friday several families were contacted by Holt about being in the travel group for the first week of may.  We were not contacted.  I was a bit dissapointed but trusting in God's timing and thankful for how He has provided.
Hi: At 5pm, I sent an email asking a few people to pray about our travel opportunities and taking a friend with us.  I hit send and refreshed my inbox and had an email from our agency.  We are in the travel group for the first week of May! 
I'm so excited my heart is pounding out of my chest and I can hardly type!  We're going to Ethiopia.  And this is no April Fool's joke! (I told my small group that we were going on April Fools).  My emotions are all over the place.  I was and am trusting in God's timing. I had resigned myself to not travelling in the first week and was thrilled with the possibility of Kara travelling with us (she can't go the first week), getting to go on a free mini-vacation to the Dells (scheduled for May 6th), and having more time to prepare.
Today is the 12th.  We have to be in Addis on the 29th.  That's 17 days people.  Pray for us please... it will be a wild two weeks!!!  Okay, now I have to go read the email from Holt about the actual travel :)

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  1. 17 days until you are on your way to be with your son!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. For what it's worth, a quick notification was better for us... less time to stress about everything! You'll be with your little boy in a few short days! Enjoy your trip!

    Leah Ann

  3. We had less than 2 weeks notice the first time. You can do it! You can do anything with GOD! SOOOO over the moon for you. :)

  4. Yay for you all. So, so happy for you. Know you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Beautiful news!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!!!
