Tuesday, February 21, 2012

FOVC Feeds Kids

One of the things that FOVC does that I rarely take the time to talk about is care for the orphans. And at one of the "newer" sites, the children are in public school but still needing assistance.

At the Dale site, they have recently rented a building space where the ladies can prepare food to serve the children. Getting a meal each day is a huge improvement. In addition to the kids receiving some good 'ol nutrition, FOVC hired two ladies to do the cooking and cleaning. Which means these beautiful ladies are gainfully employed.

And you know how it all happens???

When people like you and me step up and care for the orphans and widows. It's pretty simple.

Tonight I came home from a long day of mentally exhausting work. I didn't get a lunch break. I literally had people with me all day that I was getting to assist. My 11am snack of cake held me over to the time I could eat a quick bite at 230. And when I came in the door tonight at 645, I was beyond hungry. More tired than hungry, I grabbed a cheese stick from the refrigerator and a hand full of pecans and called it good. After all, that should sustain me for a few hours, right?

You know what though. I had the CHOICE to eat or not eat today. I had food that I could have eaten. I just didn't do it. But our friends in Ethiopia. These kids that could be our children, they don't have a choice. And they don't have a voice to share about their lives.

Tonight, I want to be their voice. These children whose pictures you may have looked at briefly. They want to say "amaseganallo", which means thank you, for caring enough to set aside a few dollars each month to feed those who are in desperate need of nutrition. And as someone who's been there and looked at those children in the face and knows their needs are beyond our comprehension, I also want to say thank you!

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