Wednesday, September 21, 2011

necklace sales

I'm so, so thankful for the outpouring of support to buy the necklaces (see tab above).  We have so far raised $180 which feeds 13 kids for one month of the famine.  THANK YOU!!!  I'm also super appreciative that Bethany's bracelet sold.  She was SO excited about that, especially when we told her that it would be enough to feed one child for the famine.  She wants to make at least two more so she can feed Judah's mom and brothers.  That's my girl.  And today when she earned a quarter for picking up walnuts at mom's, she asked if she could give it to feed hungry kids.  She gets it.  I'm so glad for that.  So, be on the lookout for more necklaces to be added Sunday or early next week.
In the meantime, I love talking about FOVC.  But I often don't have time to blog about it.  So here's a quick snippet.
We're leaving October 21st.  Focusing on teaching them techniques that will grow a crop during the famine.  I have lots of prep work to do in the next few weeks.  Teaching material to get together.  Soil test kits to put together. That on top of my other FOVC fundraising activities - mailing out shirts, making necklaces and mailing them out, and getting together idea for the wine tasting fundraiser.
I'm so, so thankful for my husband who plays a critical role of keeping me grounded, encouraging my strengths and building my weaknesses.  There may be dirty dishes on the counter but we're loving God together and I'm so thankful!

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