Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So, I haven't written much about it. When I did, I shared MY wishes and not FOVC's. Now, FOVC has had a chance to get their leadership on board with a huge fundraiser. I mean, doable, but huge. It's directly related to the famine. But it's so much more than that. It's long term, tangible help. Feeding them during this emergency crisis but teaching them to provide for themselves long term. To be prepared for the next drought.

We can't fathom the implications of the drought because we have insurance when our things get destroyed. They don't. I'm impressed by the the focus and strategy of FOVC. I've read some lately about us thinking we're helping but we're really hurting them long term. I can attest that this plan does NOT put them in that situation. Emergency, short term relief (what FOVC is doing) is important in times of crisis. But it's also important to teach a man to fish so to speak. FOVC is also doing that. I'm proud of the work FOVC is doing. And I'm proud to partner with them.

So, please, please, please head over to the FOVC's page on project Feed Hope and check out all the specifics of what they're doing. I'll give you a hint: it has to do with 30 G's.

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