Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cultural Day 2010

Day 2 with Judah showed some improvement. We got kisses from him, saw a few smiles on his face but still wondered when that personality would come out. It certainly wasn't the non-stop talker that we have today.

This was the day we experienced Ethiopian Culture. The day we saw Lucy, the very incomplete skeleton. The day we ate out at lunch together with some good food, a great coffee ceremony and a nerve-wracking money exchange. Don't be the sucker that helps the Ethiopian exchange money cause if they come up WAY short, you'll feel horrible and not enjoy your lunch! That evening we did a little more culture and this white girl danced all Ethiopian style. Okay, maybe danced isn't the quite word for me, but I tried.

On this day a year ago here on the home front, we completed our quilt fundraiser thanks to my mom who purchased, pieced and quilted the really cool quilt. This was the day that Bethany drew the winner of the quilt. The picture to the right is a recent picture with Judah standing in front of the finished quilt that Jeanie won.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Why oh why did you put the video of ME dancing when there was such great (much better) video of you doing the dance? ;)
