So a while back my friend Megan sent me a link to a document that has a detailed map in it. I wasn't successful in getting the map to print out today but I loved the document she sent to me. She had no clue that the document she sent me for the map, was a document that I'd find useful in preparing to go. So thanks my dear Megan for being part of the trip before I even knew I was going!
The sermon on Sunday was encouraging and wonderful. The sermon's get posted here Yesterday's isn't up yet so I'll just tell you about it. Pastor Lee taught from Acts 21:1-16 which talks about Paul's last journey. He'd been warned that he would be killed. But he knew that he was called to go there and went. Pastor had two main points which were profound in my mind:
- When you're called by the Holy Spirit, OBEY.
- When someone is called, we need not to pour cold water on them but to send them off with a blessing.
This was profound for me because we have been studying through Acts. Pastor Lee didn't pull some scripture out to fit two people in the church. It was the sermon that was preached one week after we shared with the church that we were going. It was also profound because quite honestly, and sadly, we hadn't felt loved, supported, or encouraged by our church family. From my little perspective, here was the leader of our church standing before everyone telling them to obey when called and to bless when someone else is going. That's us. We're not asking that everyone support us financially. But it would be nice to feel loved and supported, not discouraged, by our church family. How cool is that.
What else??? I'm sure there will be more for me to try to remember documenting!
SO cool! SO excited to see all the Lord is about to do.