Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have for those who know our son whom we'll meet in 10 days:

  1. What was his favorite thing to do at home?
  2. What makes him smile?
  3. How does he like to be comforted?
  4. Does he enjoy playing with other children?
  5. What are his sleeping patterns like?
  6. What are his eating habits like?
  7. Does he seem to be afraid of anything?
  8. Who has he bonded with the most in Addis?
  9. Who has he bonded with the most in Wolyta?
  10. Who are his friends so we can keep them connected?

I do have lots more questions. Some for the nannies and care providers. Some for his living birth family. I'm sure I'll come up with more.

For those who've travelled, would you be willing to email me with the questions you asked the birth family or specific things you did with them? One parent just shared with me that they traced the mother's hand and I thought that was so cool. I'd never think of that on my own so I'd love your ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Ask her favorite color and her best talent (it is amazing to see how Sam's are the same as her's)! They were also easy questions for her to answer and let her have a break from the more emotional questions!
