Friday, November 6, 2009


I want twins.  I'd even love to get siblings.  Holt says the chances are slim so I've been trying to tell myself that.  Then I run across a family who adopted twins from Ethiopia or siblings.  I just can't get past it quite yet.  I'm going to boldly pray that God will provide siblings/twins for our family.  Specifically that we'll be offerred (through waiting child or referral) sibling/twins.  He might say no but I'm going to pray anyway.  Anyone willing to boldly pray that with me, for our family?

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  1. Praying with you - for it to be a clear decision when the perfect children God has chosen for you become known.

  2. I would love to pray that you could have siblings referred to you. In all my years of dreaming about adoption I ALWAYS KNEW that I would adopt siblings, brothers. Then we had two sons by birth and God led us to our daughter... Anyway, I'd love to pray for the desire of your heart! :)
