Sunday, March 1, 2009

Two Books in One Week

I'm reading my second book in one week about adoption. Those who know me, know that my life doesn't allow for time to sit and read a book. But I've been making the time. The kids are in bed early (aka on time) and I'm sitting down to read. I'm making sure that I'm also getting some time with God and reading His Word in addition to these books.

The first book was written by the woman who started All God's Children, an adoption agency we'd been considering. It was good to read. The second one is one that I started and almost finished several years ago. The book mark is still there but I thought a fresh reading of it would be good. Adopting for Good by Jorie Kincaid is a little dated (published in 1997) and likely many things have changed in the last 12 years but it still has valuable information.

I'm not the type that reads books to find out how to parent, how to be pregnant, etc. But in this case, I'm hungry to learn and to know what things to be praying for:

Today, right now God, I pray that you will be preparing the heart of the child you have for us. Specifically that the child will be able to attach and feel at home in our family if he/she looks different.

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